Global history
Reconstructed hemisphere
In the 19th century, civil wars tore apart the US, Mexico and Argentina. Then came democracy’s fight against reaction
Evan C Rothera
Language and linguistics
Our language, our world
Linguistic relativity holds that your worldview is structured by the language you speak. Is it true? History shines a light
James McElvenny
Information and communication
How to hate
The manifesto was always a hotheaded call to arms. Then it got a slick, digital makeover in the cause of coldblooded hate
Tyler Thier
Philosophy of language
The geometry of other people
Some friends are ‘close’. Others are ‘distant’. But our spatial descriptions of social life are more than just metaphors
David Borkenhagen
Global history
The Asian world order
Before modern Europe existed there was a grand, interconnected political world, rich in scientific and artistic exchange
Ayşe Zarakol
Space exploration
Capturing the cosmos
When self-replicating craft bring life to the far Universe, a religious cult, not science, is likely to be the driving force
Jay Olson
History of science
The missing conversation
To the detriment of the public, scientists and historians don’t engage with one another. They must begin a new dialogue
Lorraine Daston & Peter Harrison
Indomitable Sufis
Once a centre of Afghan culture, Sufism seems to have disappeared in the maelstrom of war and upheaval. But still it survives
Annika Schmeding
Thinkers and theories
We’ll meet again
The intrepid logician Kurt Gödel believed in the afterlife. In four heartfelt letters to his mother he explained why
Alexander T Englert
Thinkers and theories
Dancing and time
For Rachel Bespaloff, philosophy was a sensual activity shaped by the rhythm of history, embodied in an instant of freedom
Isabel Jacobs
The subtle art of elevation
Architectural drawing speaks of mathematical precision, but its roots lie in the theological exegesis of a prophetic book
Karl Kinsella
Stories and literature
Saved by Infinite Jest
Bereft and suicidal, I lay on my sofa. Only David Foster Wallace’s novel kept me tethered to life, and still does
Mala Chatterjee