Values and beliefs
How traditions progress
The colourful Swiss sport of stone putting illuminates Aristotle’s insights into the shortcomings of conservative thought
Daniel Kranzelbinder
Political philosophy
Liberal democracies are backsliding worldwide. Could anarchy help?
24 minutes
Political philosophy
In the interests of all
How Eugene V Debs turned American republicanism against the chiefs of capitalism – and became a true crusader for freedom
Tom O’Shea
History of ideas
Equality without compromise
Liberal philosophy has clipped the wings of the egalitarian ideal. We should return to the bolder ideals of Iris Murdoch
Christine Sypnowich
Political philosophy
Liberalism against capitalism
The work of John Rawls shows that liberal values of equality and freedom are fundamentally incompatible with capitalism
Colin Bradley
Thinkers and theories
The Indian pragmatist
Ambedkar was not only a politician, but a profound thinker whose philosophy of democracy challenged the caste system
Scott R Stroud
Political philosophy
Is the idea that democracy always benefits society misguided, or just mathematics?
7 minutes
Fairness and equality
To build a fair society, we must first be able to envision it. John Rawls can help
64 minutes
Political philosophy
The Swedish theory of love
All countries must balance the freedom of individuals with the demands of the community. Sweden’s solution is unique
Lars Trägårdh
Thinkers and theories
The scar of identity
Alexandre Kojève was an immense influence on many French thinkers. What was so compelling about his lectures on Hegel?
Samantha Rose Hill
Politics and government
Wielding death
When everyday life is marked by oppression and violence, can a martyr’s death truly be an act of freedom and resistance?
Umar Lateef Misgar
Global history
Geopolitics is for losers
The concept of geopolitics comes from German and Russian attempts to explain defeat and reverse loss of influence
Harold James
Thinkers and theories
The generous philosopher
Bruno Latour showed us how to think with the things of the world, respecting their right to exist and act on their own terms
Stephen Muecke
Beauty and aesthetics
What does art do?
Good art, laced with irony, ambiguity and suspense, is not obviously political. That’s what makes it politically interesting
Vid Simoniti
Human rights and justice
Beyond ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ – could a range of verdict options be more just?
9 minutes
Thinkers and theories
Democracy or apocalypse
Eric Voegelin and Hans Kelsen fled the Nazis. In the US, they clashed over the nature of modernity and government
David Dyzenhaus
Politics and government
What lies beneath government
Buka Town in Bougainville shows how bureaucratic states could be reimagined, not as concrete buildings but as living gardens
Gordon Peake & Miranda Forsyth
Politics and government
Is mass media still ‘manufacturing consent’ in the internet age?
5 minutes
Ageing and death
Old not Other
Here’s a puzzle: why do we neglect and disdain the one vulnerable group we all eventually will join? Beauvoir had an answer
Kate Kirkpatrick & Sonia Kruks
Political philosophy
Democracy entails conflict
Democracy is a system of politics that has disagreement at its heart. But how do we stop conflicts becoming destructive?
Rochelle DuFord
History of ideas
Beyond dust and grime
Zhuangzi thought Confucians were like frogs trapped in a well, unable to perceive the limitlessness of the sea
Tao Jiang
Cowboy progressives
You likely think of the American West as deeply conservative and rural. Yet history shows this politics is very new indeed
Daniel J Herman
Thinkers and theories
Scepticism as a way of life
The desire for certainty is often foolish and sometimes dangerous. Scepticism undermines it, both in oneself and in others
Nicholas Tampio
Stoics as activists
You might think of it as a philosophy for turning away from the world, but ancient Stoics took a stand against tyranny
Massimo Pigliucci